物資や武器を送ることしかできないNATO(NATO can only provide relief or weapons for Ukraine)

There is the English Version of this article bellow↓





ただ、今回アメリカすらもウクライナがNATO加盟国ではないことを理由に、援軍を送りません。 非難することしかしません(というかできない?)。




NATO can only provide relief or weapons for Ukraine. This time, NATO or US don’t install No-Fly Zone at Ukraine and send troops or fighter planes to them. Well Ukraine is not a member of the NATO, so there is not the reason why NATO supports Ukraine militarily. But If Ukraine is a member of NATO, what would happen? Especially I think that US is weak-kneed this time. I think if it’s not US business, they support militarily countries having trouble or send troops until now. But this time even US don’t supports Ukraine militarily because Ukraine is not a member of the NATO(I don’t know what US really thinks). They can only criticize Russia severely. So I think the present US(the Biden Administration) looks like Japan. Japan has always only protest against the countries which violate their airspace or territories. But If US supports Ukraine militarily (or installs No-Fly Zone at Ukraine) , US-Russia War may break out and maybe everyone is afraid the situation gets even worse.


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