安倍元首相の銃撃事件(Japan’s ex prime minister Shinzo Abe was shot and killed while he was giving a speech)

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本日2022/7/8に、 安倍元首相が奈良県で演説中に銃で撃たれて亡くなりました。

思うに・・・日本のお偉いさんのSPたちは、 多分「銃」で襲撃されることを想定していなかったんだと思います。

まあ、そりゃ「銃」が普通に手に入らない国なので 日本で起こり得る「危ない状況」は・・・

頭のおかしな奴が殴りかかってくるとか、 最悪でもナイフで切りかかってくる程度のことしか 想定してなかったんでしょうね・・・

実際、日本で起きる犯罪のほとんどが、刃物によるもので 、 銃が使われる犯罪ってめったにないですからね・・・

今回の事件は、被害者が安倍元首相ということで 非常にインパクトが大きかったですよね。


ただ、今回の事件を教訓に 、日本人は少しは平和ボケに気づいて欲しい・・とも思っています。


Japan’s ex prime minister Shinzo Abe was shot and killed on 7/8/2022. He was shot while he was giving a speech in Nara, Japan. Maybe the guards of him hadn’t thought about the shooting. Because Japanese Private citizens can’t get guns easily so there are almost no shootings in Japan. When considering dangerous situations in Japan, there are many cases of being hit by madmans or being cut with a knife and so on. In fact, most of crimes in Japan are committed by edged tools and there are few shootings. Especially, the shooting case has an impact on the world because the victim is ex prime minister. At any rate, I pray from the bottom of my heart that his soul may rest in peace. Many Japanese people have taken peace for granted. Because there are no guns so they are not worried about being shot and Japan is always safe. But I want them to keep this lesson in mind and change their awareness. This is a chance for them to change their awareness. The case became a good lesson for us.


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